French scholars in the future, Vichy France contributed about 86.25 billion francs of occupation fees to the German army during the occupation period. In 1943 alone, France spit out 27.36 billion francs, accounting for 55.5% of the French GDP that year. (Carrè, Dubois and Malinvaud, 1972; Millward, 1970, p.271) AP_410826165 Photo Credit: AP / Dazhi Image Dracula, the Count of Vampires, was not so ruthless, and France's economic vitality was basically devoured. But France restrained its desire for revenge. One of the big reasons is that the last time France opened its mouth, when it asked for huge war reparations in the Treaty of Versailles,
it accidentally asked for a Hitler. Therefore, France has decided to change its strategy this time. Otherwise, if Germany is forced to fight another world war, France will soon be able to compete with Burkina Faso in GDP per capita. Since the economy is to be sms services restored, it is natural to rebuild the industry. But the supply of raw materials to French industry has been a big problem since ancient times. After the war, although France tried to buy some coal mine supplies from Britain, it still only met 7% of the raw materials required by France's industrial output level in 1937,
which was basically equal to a small donation. (JA Coker, 2016) France needs coal and iron ore, so does Germany To understand the feud between Germany and France is to understand the importance of the Alsace-Lorraine region. Lorraine is an important industrial area. It produces 95% of France's ore, 78% of pig iron, 70% of crude steel, and 60% of finished steel. (J. Grauman and EW Rembert, 1949) Germany and France have two hatreds in one day, three rivers and four seas, mainly in addition to William I's enthronement ceremony in the French Versailles Palace,